Wonder Woman 84

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Happy 2021 y'all! Marco and the 82nd Astronaut invade your podcast rotation with their review on WW84. Put your New Year's resolutions aside and procrastinate a little longer as we give our 84 cents on what looked like a promising entry into the DC film canon but turned out to be somewhat less than that. Thank you for giving us your time in 2020. We look to give you all some cool content in 2021!

Happy 2021 y'all! Marco and the 82nd Astronaut invade your podcast rotation with their review on WW84. Put your New Year's resolutions aside and procrastinate a little longer as we give our 84 cents on what looked like a promising entry into the DC film canon but turned out to be somewhat less than that. Thank you for giving us your time in 2020. We look to give you all some cool content in 2021!


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AJ Bingham