Episode 23: David A. Colligan, Acting Assistant Director Economic Development Department, on Austin’s economic incentives program

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David A. Colligan

Acting Assistant Director Economic Development Department

(RUN TIME - 15:30)

Today's BG Podcast features a conversation with returning guest David A. Colligan, Acting Assistant Director Economic Development Department, City of Austin.

A follow-up to Episode 12, David and Bingham Group CEO A.J. Bingham discuss the Austin City Council’s passage of a framework for restructuring the city’s economic incentives programs (on August 30, 2018) with the goal of increasing small business growth and improving job opportunities for lower-wage and middle-skill workers.

Chapter 380 Agreements, part of the Local Government Code, authorize municipalities to offer incentives designed to promote economic development such as commercial and retail projects.

These agreements specifically provide for offering loans and grants of city funds or services at little or no cost to promote state and local economic development and to stimulate business and commercial activity.

This discussion was recorded on September 19, 2018.

See also: BG Podcast - Episode 12: Policy Discussion RE Austin's Chapter 380 Economic Incentive Agreements

Links: Council approves plan to revamp incentives, with small businesses in mind (Austin Monitor)


Thank you to our sponsor, the Loewy Law Firm, Austin’s go-to personal injury law firm.  If you’ve been injured in a car crash, call Adam Loewy today at 512.280.0800. You learn more information about the firm here: bit.ly/2NLWbfn

You can listen to this episode and previous ones on iTunes and Google Play at the links below. Please subscribe! 

Today's BG Podcast features a conversation with returning guest David A. Colligan, Acting Assistant Director Economic Development Department, City of Austin. A follow-up to Episode 12, David and Bingham Group CEO discuss the Austin City Council’s passage of a framework for a restructuring the city’s economic incentives programs (on August 30, 2018) with the goal of increasing small business growth and improving job opportunities for lower-wage and middle-skill workers. Chapter 380 Agreements, part of the Local Government Code, authorize municipalities to offer incentives designed to promote economic development such as commercial and retail projects. These agreements specifically provide for offering loans and grants of city funds or services at little or no cost to promote state and local economic development and to stimulate business and commercial activity. This discussion was recorded on September 19, 2018. See also: BG Podcast - Episode 12: Policy Discussion RE Austin's Chapter 380 Economic Incentive Agreements Links: Council approves plan to revamp incentives, with small businesses in mind (Austin Monitor) ABOUT OUR SPONSOR THE LOEWY LAW FIRM: Thank you to our sponsor, the Loewy Law Firm, Austin’s go-to personal injury law firm.  If you’ve been injured in a car crash, call Adam Loewy today at 512.280.0800. You learn more information about the firm here: bit.ly/2NLWbfn You can listen to this episode and previous ones on iTunes and Google Play at the links below. Please subscribe!


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